(Sept 2024 - Present)
UX Consultant
Working directly with the development team on an Enterprise-level AI-powered SaaS designed to facilitate organizational strategy alignment.
constalex={languages:['React', 'Javascript', 'HTML5', 'CSS', 'MySql', 'Python', 'Flask', 'Next.js', 'Git'],design tools:['Figma', 'Balsamiq', 'Squarespace', 'Wordpress', 'Shopify', 'Illustrator'],teamPlayer:true,analyticalApproach:true,userCentered:true,professional:function() {return(this.robustFrameworkthis.delightedUsersthis.premierSoftware);};};
Who am I?
I combine advanced technical ability with a rich multidisciplinary background which informs my work as a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur. With strong analytic skills and an empathy-based approach, I craft human-centered software and help bring grand-scale visions to life.
(Sept 2024 - Present)
UX Consultant
Working directly with the development team on an Enterprise-level AI-powered SaaS designed to facilitate organizational strategy alignment.
(Jun 2021 - Present)
Web Developer
Building and maintaining websites for small businesses and startups.
(2019 - 2024)
Digital Content & Design
Karma Sauce Company
Responsible for all aspects of B2C e-commerce, web design, digital marketing, and content creation.
constproject={name:'Interactive Exhibit App',tools: ['React', 'Material UI', 'Python', 'JSONdb', 'Flask', 'SQLite', 'Socket-IO],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: An app that facilitates interaction with various exhibits at a museum. The project was coded with Flask, SQLAlchemy, SocketIO and React..};
4/2024 - 9/2024
Software Engineering
Flatiron School
2015 - 2016
Interaction Design Capstone
U of C San Diego via Coursera
2005 - 2010
BA in English and Cultural Studies
University of Kings College
3 months ago
2 min read
With FlatIron’s coding bootcamp now officially under my belt, I’ve been reflecting a lot on my…
With FlatIron’s coding bootcamp now officially under my belt, I’ve been reflecting a lot on my approach to programming.There are many times in the past few months where a different approach ...
4 months ago
2 min read
Bypassing Same-Origin Errors with Flask
If you’ve ever attempted full-stack web development, you’ve likely had an encounter with a Same-Origin error. This is a preventative measure put in place to stymie hackers from obtaining user infor...
4 months ago
2 min read
The @classmethod in Python
For the past week I’ve been deep in the coding trenches with DataQuest, a python-based CLI project for my <a href="https://flatironschool.com/...
5 months ago
3 min read
Purity Testing
“The art of programming is the art of organizing complexity, of mastering multitude and avoiding its bastard chaos as effectively as possible.” — Alan KayP...
6 months ago
1 min read
Computer Speak
Coding BootCamp. Week 1 of 15. I’ve customized my Visual Studio Code browser to a soothing color combo. I’ve downloaded both the Star Wars and Game of Thrones APIs. I’ve seen the ‘I have no idea wh...
6 years ago
2 min read
UX and the Gadfly
“For if you put me to death, you will not easily find another, who, to use a ra...